A comprehensive guide to spa facials and the benefits

Facials are one of the most popular spa treatments and, with the re-opening of spas countrywide, it’s the perfect time to enjoy this beneficial cosmetic treatment. However, before booking an appointment with your preferred spa, here’s a look at the various facial treatment options.

What are the facial types?

A facial is basically a multi-step skin treatment that cleanses, exfoliates and nourishes the skin, resulting in a clearer, well-hydrated, more youthful complexion.

1. Classic / European facials

The original facial includes a basic steaming of the face; followed by exfoliation and extraction for cleansing; a massage and some form of mask; followed by moisturiser.

Skin types

The great thing about the classic facial is that anybody can enjoy it as it’s suited to all skin types. However, as with any facial, it’s important to consult with a professional, particularly if you suffer from dry skin or irritations.


This can be customised for the individual and will bring about de-congested, rejuvenated skin. Skin tone will also be evened to give a more radiant complexion.

2. Microdermabrasion

Using a crystal or diamond tip, the therapist will brush off the upper layer of dead skin cells and remove this, gently exfoliating the skin.

Skin types

This is the perfect skin treatment for anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin and minimise fine lines or scars.  


Microdermabrasion boosts collagen and elastin so that the skin surface appears smoother, healthier and plumper.

3. Galvanic facial

This is, effectively, a non-surgical facelift that uses galvanic currents to stimulate the muscles. After the treatment, skincare products are added. These are more easily absorbed because of the treatment.

Skin types

This is an anti-aging treatment so suited to people with wrinkles looking to eliminate signs of aging and define facial contours.


The galvanic facial tones the face, firms the skin, and promotes collagen production, giving a more lifted face and defined look.

4. Lymphatic massage facial

Often forming part of the classic facial, the lymphatic massage facial involves massaging areas on the face and neck to relieve any tension and blockages.

Skin types

This suits anyone who suffers from water retention, poor circulation and facial puffiness.


The increased circulation removes retained water and toxins, resulting in a healthier complexion.

5. Chemical peels

This is a much more invasive facial treatment, similar to microdermabrasion, where chemical acids are placed on the face to encourage skin growth. The chemical peels differ in acid type and concentration depending on skin types. A light peel will take about two days to heal whereas a deep peel could take six months.

Skin types

Those wanting to benefit from anti-aging treatments can try chemical peels as it boosts collagen while resulting in a healthier outer layer.


This de-congests the skin, removes deep-set wrinkles, scars, age spots and UV damage. Depending on the type of chemical peel needed, a physician might be required.

6. Aromatherapy facial

The therapist will begin with a facial steam and cleansing, after which selected aromatherapy oils are massaged into the face and neck.

Skin types

As with the classic facial, the aromatherapy facial is suited to all skin types, but those with sensitive skin must consult with the therapist first.


The skin is left vitamin-enriched, replenished and re-energised. It is considered one of the most soothing facial treatments.

7. High-frequency / radiofrequency facial

This is where electrical currents are used to heat the deeper layers of the skin while stimulating them and killing bacteria.

Skin types

This facial treatment is ideal for acne-prone skin, treating both existing acne and preventing new outbreaks.


In addition to treating acne, this will work to reduce acne scars.

8. Hydra facial

This is actually a specialised, vacuum-like machine that removes grime and dead skin cells. Once vacuumed, the skin is injected with serums, followed by LED light therapy.

Skin types

This is a refreshing facial for all skin types - dry, normal, combination, and oily skin. It’s particularly beneficial for those suffering from blackheads, whiteheads and general dullness.


The skin is left looking clean, hydrated and radiant.

9. Microneedling

Microneedling is a relatively new facial treatment which uses tiny needles to perform small perforations on the skin layer, stimulating collagen formation.

Skin types

This is an anti-aging treatment that tightens the skin and gets rid of lines.


Microneedling promotes cell turnover and collagen growth leading to healthier skin. The treatment reduces signs of ageing, scarring, and uneven skin texture.

Read More: 8 Microneedling Benefits

How often are facials needed?

When considering the less-invasive facial treatments, you can have a facial once a month as the skin’s life cycle is three to four weeks. If you suffer from acne, then it’s worth increasing this to every two weeks until the skin begins to clear.

Although you can perform home facials, they are not nearly as effective as professional facials in terms of cleansing and rejuvenating. It’s worth consulting with a therapist to ensure you are getting the right facial treatment for your skin type.

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